Health is one of our four core expressions of life. But “being healthy” is so much more than eating well, exercising, and living without disease.
Our body is our life-partner.
Think about it: your body has literally been with you for your entire life. It was there with you the day you were born, it was with you throughout adolescence, teenage years, and adulthood, until eventually it degrades and dies.
Our physical body is the only thing in our lives that is truly “ours.”
You may be wondering why I’m distinguishing “our bodies” from “our self.” The reason is that our body is its own singularity and entity—it is the vehicle we use to drive through the physical world, and our Spirit is the one in the driver seat.
Our Spirit is an eternal, divine being, and when we come Earth-side and are born unto this planet, we symbiotically merge with a body.
There are plenty of scientific studies that show how the body and spirit are indeed separate from one another. Near-death experiences (NDEs) are well-documented throughout history and around the world. The University of Virginia School of Medicine has conducted over 50 years of research on past-life remembrances (i.e. reincarnation) and NDEs, with over 2600 documented and reported cases published in scientific journals. The research is there—and the more we start to explore Quantum Physics, the more it reveals that Consciousness is far more than the electrical signals firing off between neurons in the brain. Consciousness creates reality.
Our bodies also have their own goals, desires, and ambitions, very similarly to how we may have goals and ambitions to change careers, explore spirituality or undertake other endeavors. The body’s desires are often programmed via our DNA but it goes beyond genetics biological needs to reproduce. Our bodies want to feel safe, loved, nurtured, and to have their physiological needs met.
We can’t thrive if we’re worrying about survival. This is why Health is crucial to living a satisfied, fulfilled life.
Yet we often spend so much time shaming our body, saying it’s not good enough, overfeeding it, underfeeding it, putting it through toxic or dangerous situations, and countless other things.
Our bodies are sentient creatures, with their own goals and needs.
They are also the children of Gaia. By respecting our bodies, we are also, in turn, communicating with Gaia. The more we reconnect and nurture our bodies, the more we reconnect and nurture with her. And vice versa. The more we connect and nurture with Gaia, the more we reconnect and nurture with our bodies.
It can start super simple. Here are some mystical exercises that you can do to support your physical body:
- Treat your physical body like a pet. Do you give him or her enough water? Food? Do you take her out for walks, or keep her locked up inside the house all day? Do you give her the chance to play? Rest? Exercise?
- Turn your bathroom time into ritual. When doing your morning hygiene routine, imagine Source light infusing your body with every move. You can do this while brushing your teeth, combing your hair, showering, putting on lotion, etc.
- Get enough physical touch. Hug your friends, family, pets, or get body work like massage. And if you can’t touch other people right now, hug yourself.
- Thank your body for carrying you throughout your entire lives together. Appreciate him or her for their unique beauty and expression.
- Focus on what you love about yourself. Rather than focus on insecurities (if you have any), focus on what you love about your body.
- Look in the mirror and say, “I love you.”
So let’s start to see and treat our bodies for what they are—sentient, beautiful beings, full of POWER and RESILIENCE.
Let’s show ourselves some love! 😉 💖
Although I’ve seen the concept talked about many times, I’ve never heard someone put it exactly that way: “Our body is our life partner.” Perfectly said, an essential reminder. Thanks! 🌸🌺🙏🏼🌺🌸