There’s an old saying, “money makes the world go ’round.” Why is that, exactly? Because…
Money represents energy, chi, or the ability “to do.”
There’s a reason that many of us spend the majority of our entire lives focusing on money. It’s the same reason why economies exist, why having money or not can dictate how you comfortable you live your life, or even whether you are respected by others.
Money directly represents how powerful we are.
Because right NOW, money is the construct that we use to exchange energy as a species. We “exchange” money for work, services, support, products—any item that we put chi or our “ability to do” into physical reality.
And yet, money is also illusionary.
More and more these days, the money that circulates the global economy is not backed by anything. For millennia, money was represented by useful items that were also hard to come by—everything from rice and salt to gold and silver. Later, FIAT currency was used as money—printed bills and coins to represent value. Nowadays, especially in the era of online banking and cryptocurrency, money (ultimately) is a representation of 1s and 0s (binary code) that travels across computer networks. Yet these 1s and 0s have extreme meaning and importance within our individual lives and collective communities.
Why? Because we agree that money is valuable.
For example, you can buy physical property, education, equipment, food, and all sorts of needs with money. The agreement that these items have a certain value makes it real.
Here’s an exercise for you. Ask yourself these questions:
- is money dirty?
- does money corrupt?
- does it make people “superficial”?
If you responded to “yes” to any of these questions, then you have a program running about money. More often than not, these programs are purposefully used to prevent us from using our own chi or energy within our lives. It limits us and our power, which some organizations on this planet find very useful for their own agendas.
Money in and of itself is not good or bad. It is a tool that we as a Human species have used for various purposes. It’s like a knife; you can use a knife to cook a beautiful meal or you can use it to kill someone with it. It’s up to us how we use this tool.
As many spiritualists teach, money alone will also not cause happiness.
Money is not the end-goal, but a means to an end.
Instead, I recommend focusing on wealth, which has a different connotation or vibrational structure behind it.
Wealth involves much more than having lots of money. Wealth is a culmination of abundance, power, and energy. It can be unlimited if you allow it to.
If we are wealthy, we are full of abundance. Abundance is the opposite of scarcity, which our current economic structure is based on. But more and more we are seeing technology change society from scarcity to abundance. The Internet and all the products and services that have manifested out of it is a great example of this.
If any parts of this article triggered you or did not resonate, I strongly recommend that you reconnect with the spirit of money—click here to Inelia Benz’s website, where you can watch a video and download the exercise for free. This exercise is so effective, I use it myself all the time, which is why I suggest you to do the same.
Remember, money is a tool—a tool that represents energy—and what we choose to do it with it directly impacts how we’re creating our own reality.
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