You’ve probably heard of this famous quote, “I think, therefore I am.”
The original Latin phrase, Cogito, ergo sum, was a philosophical proposition by René Descartes during the mid-seventeenth century. It’s usually translated into English as “I think, therefore I am.” An even older axiom from the ancient Greeks is, “Know Thyself,” which was quite famously taught by Socrates and Plato. Not only must you know your mind, you must know how to control it or have it work with you, not against you.
Turns out all these men were alchemists, but that story is for a different blog article 😉
Fast-forward to contemporary times, turns out that modern physics is showing how the entire Cosmos (the physical Universe) is inexorably linked to the mind.
If you thought that the Universe was merely an infinite floating space of random matter, think again. Even recent studies in Quantum Physics is showing how Reality is entirely subjective and not objective at all.
In other words, Reality is entirely decided and created by YOU.
Whoa. Heavy stuff, right?
You may be thinking to yourself, “How the heck am I capable of creating the cosmos when I can barely get up in the morning?”
Great point.
Turns out that most of reality is a Collective agreement. In other words, it’s not just you that’s creating reality. You’re part of a larger collective called the Human Species that also has its own mind, goals, and agreements.
Inelia Benz has talked about the Human Collective at length, but she’s far from being the first.
In the Western world, psychoanalyst Carl G. Jung showed empirical evidence that the Human Species has a mind of its own, what he called the Collective Unconscious. Joseph Campbell and many others went on to extend the this work and show that every person shares the same larger mind.
Shamans, mystics, alchemists, and buddhas have also known for thousands of years that there is the One Mind of the the Universe and life itself.
So even though you’re part of a larger collective mind, it’s also important to remember that you are also an individual — a powerful one at that.
You can best control and directly influence your OWN life. Yes, you can also influence the Human Species, but that’s best done by changing aspects your life that you’re dissatisfied with in your own life first.
So if ancient philosophers and top scientists from around the world are telling us that our minds literally shape reality — and that the human species has a larger mind on its own — then a more accurate phrase when looking at modern physics (or the Cosmos in general) would be, “I am, therefore I think”.
Interestingly, this still translates into Latin as Cogito, ergo sum 🙂
But this site isn’t about training you to become a physicist or even how to read or interpret what’s going on in modern science.
What I am here to do is to distill the principles of modern science into practical, step-by-step guides that you can follow and integrate into your life so you don’t have to read the heavy stuff (unless you want to).
I’ll also show you how ancient spiritual principles from around the world are teaching the same truths that science is just starting to catch up and “prove.” Coincidence? Hardly!
So whether you’re a software engineer or stay-at-home mom (or both), I can teach you the tools to help you hack your own matrix and architect the reality of your dreams.
If there’s one thing you take away from this article, remember this: You are POWERFUL. It took millions and billions of events for you to be here and exist right now. That’s pretty remarkable. Never forget how special you truly are.
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