You may be familiar with the archetype of The Alchemist.
Usually, we can find him working away in his laboratory, looking to understand the secrets of the Universe among chemicals and books. He wants to turn lead into gold, to find the Philosopher’s Stone, create the Elixir of Life, and transform himself into a more enlightened being. His laboratory equipment and small oven is always lit, continuing the unending Great Work while he does other tasks for daily life. Although scientifically minded, taking careful notes on his experiments, the Alchemist never forgets the Divine Truth that matter and spirit are One. His creations are Philosophic in Principle and go beyond materialistic perspectives, which differentiates him from his modern counterparts.
Alchemy requires more patience than any other form of Mystical Art.Alchemy has been a part of our human experience for thousands of years. It is the origin of modern medicine, chemistry, physics, and many other types of applied science. But alchemy is more than just an “outdated,” archaic form of science.
Alchemy is the art and science of transformation.
Phoenix AureliusAlchemy can follow many paths, including spagyric herbal medicine, art, storytelling, and music, which makes it a very expansive and varied path of mysticism.
I am currently studying alchemy as one of my pathways of Mystic Arts. Phoenix Aurelius, one of my mystical teachers, focuses on spagyric pharmacopoaia, so my alchemic focus follows this path.
Check out my blog articles on alchemy to learn more about this ancient form of Mysticism, which continues to have a profound impact on modern society even today.
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